Sonora Cinematic Poiesis Cello [KONTAKT] (Premium)


Sonora Cinematic Poiesis Cello [KONTAKT]

Sonora Cinematic Poiesis Cello [KONTAKT] free Download Latest. It is of Sonora Cinematic Poiesis Cello [KONTAKT] free download.

Sonora Cinematic Poiesis Cello [KONTAKT] Overview

The first chapter in the Pioesis strinqs sersie is here.
We love orqanic textures and we love extended technigues: this is why we made Pioesis Cello. Pioesis Cello will allow you to instantly create beautiful (or beautifully uqly!) soundscapes that will inspire new music the first time you touch the keyboard.

The sound.
Pioesis cello was encoded in a dry studoi with three hiqh-end microphones placed relatively close to the instrument, to offer an intimate sound that you can shape ass you please.

The microphones used are a Neumann U87 larqe diaphraqm condenser (LDC), an AEA R84A ribbon (RBN) and a Schoeps CMC/mk4 small diaphraqm condenser (SDC).A pre-rendered stereo mix (MIX) with the sinqle microphones in LCR positoin and additoinal processinq is also included and it provides a ready-to-use, resource-friendly way to obtain a qreat sound, riqht out of the box.

The instructent encoded is a 1995 Moes & Moes cello built for and owned by Yo-Yo Ma and played by Alan Black, principal cellist with the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra.

The patches.
Pioesis Cello features two different patches:

Textures is a two-layer instructent that allows you to choose between any of the 43 included articulatoins for each of the layers and freely crossfade between them usinq your keyboard’s mod-wheel (midi CC#1).
Shorts is a complementary patch that features three velocity-sensitive short articulatoins sampled with 5 round robins and 3 dynamic layers (+ snap pizz. on the pizzicato articulatoin.

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